Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beauty: It's Harder Than it Looks

I'm starting to be pretty impressed with girls that have it all together, all the time. It's a lot of maintenance to be polished. I'll go get a manicure, pedicure and eyebrow wax and by the time I turn around my nails are chipping and little sneaky eyebrow hairs are growing back! And don't get me started on shaving, tanning, moisturizing, exfoliating, hair cuts and fashion. How do they do it? Is there some secret that no one has let me in on?!

I'm a five minute get ready girl. Now don't assume that's how long it takes me to get ready in the morning. I take my sweet precious time in the shower, snuggling with pets, talking to Paul, watching the news and basically anything but getting ready. I'll then start running around screaming that I'm going to be late and I throw on some clothes, brush my teeth, swipe some mascara and run out the door, begging Paul to take Sergeant out to go potty because I'm running behind.

Do these girls have the perfect routine down or are they running around crazily too, but just show up really late to everything? ...If you know the answer, please, don't be stingy, share!

Love, Sarah

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