Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fitness: Bikram Yoga - Mockingbird

I woke up feeling so excited about this challenge. It has already changed my outlook on what I want to make of my day. ...I decided to give myself a weigh and see what we're looking at, since I haven't technically been on a work-out routine in a while now. 151.6, not too bad. When I'm in great physical shape, I'm usually around 135-140.

Awhile ago, I fell through some stairs and hurt my back really bad. It has changed my physical life completely. Trust me it could be worst, but when you have to stop some of your favorite activities like golf, horseback riding and can't control when it hurts stinks.

So, today I decided to go back to my favorite workout: Bikram Yoga. The first thing I had to sign when I got there was a little form that asked why you're there and when I saw Back Pain was listed, I knew I had made the right choice to give this a shot again.

If you have never done or heard of Bikram Yoga, I'll give you a little background. It is a hour and a half long yoga class in a 105 degree room. Your first time challenge is just to stay in the room the whole time. You sweat so much that you literally can ring your clothes out after class! This yoga is sooo great for your back, skin and organs. I made the mistake of taking the focus off me for one second to witness the sweat flinging off the older man in front of me. After that I didn't take my eyes off me in the mirror another time.

So, here I am, I showered up and ready to move on to learning how to ride my new scooter...

Love, Sarah

This blog can come across very self-centered, but it is. My goal is to obtain my highest potential in all areas of my life. I want to push myself and go past my comfort zones. I don't want to look back in a few years and think if only I applied myself a little more it could have been completely different. If you do choose to read my journey, I hope you read it with an open mind and leave judgment at Facebook. :)

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